Clubs & Organizations

Faculty Advisor: Ms. Kelli Antonson

Best Buddies International is a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Learn more:

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Rodger Cilley

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Rodger Cilley

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Dan LaVallee

The chess club is five-time state champions (1999, 2000, 2001, 2011, and 2015) and has finished runner’s up several times in the past decade, including 2018. We have been very competitive for three decades and no team wants to face the Stags across the board.

The club starts in November and practices are typically on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Competitions are scheduled with both scholastic and adult players over the winter and the state championship is in early March at UMO.

Advisor: Mr. Sean Sova

The Cheverus Drama Society produces and performs three stage productions every year. We perform a non-musical play in Fall. We compete in the MPA One Act Festival in Winter, and in Spring, we perform a musical. With a flexible rehearsal schedule, the Cheverus Drama Society encourages participation on all levels. Students are engaged in scenic, lighting and sound design, set construction and painting, costuming, stage management, acting, writing, hair/make-up, props and tech. In short, students can get experience in ALL aspects of creating a fully staged production! In the last four years, the Cheverus One Act team has won their Regional competition and advanced to the State Finals twice.

No prior theater experience is needed to participate in the Cheverus Drama Society. You only need some creativity and a willingness to have fun!

Faculty Advisors: Mrs. Banks

The mission of the Cheverus Civil Rights Team is to foster a safe learning environment, one that is free of bias-motivated harassment and violence. In an ongoing effort to address these issues, the team works on several projects throughout the year.

Civil Rights Team meets every Monday after school in Ms. Banks’ classroom. New members are always welcome!

Faculty Advisor: Ms. Jane Glass

The Cheverus Debate Team will travel to 10 tournaments by the end of the five-month season, culminating in the State Championship Tournament and the Catholic Forensic League District Qualifiers. Members of the debate team have qualified for National Forensics League and the Catholic Forensic League national tournaments, traveling to Salt Lake City, Houston, Milwaukee, Albany, Louisville, Fort Lauderdale and Washington, DC. The team anticipates building upon competition at three levels: Novice, Junior Varsity, and Varsity.

Lincoln-Douglas debating is a values-based debate, where the interlocutors must argue both in favor of and against a given resolution over the course of a day-long tournament. They must make a case for why their chosen value must be championed and how affirming or negating the resolution accomplishes that position. For example, one past resolution read, “An oppressive government is better than no government.” Consequently, members of the squad became very familiar with important philosophical topics, including but not at all limited to Thomas Hobbes’ and John Locke’s conflicting views on the state of nature, politics as natural or conventional, and the historical patterns of tyranny.

In addition to broadening their intellectual base and deepening their analytical powers, debaters generally cultivate self-confidence and verbal presentation skills which make the activity amply worthwhile, even at the price of a couple of Saturdays a month.

Faculty Advisor: Ms. Erin Ambrose

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Emily Banks

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Emily Banks

Faculty Advisor: Campus Ministry

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Amy Ashley

The athletic department hosts three weeks of intramural sports in March. We have one week each of floor hockey, basketball, and volleyball. Anyone is welcome to play and have fun! It is a tournament-like structure with a bracket to compete for a winner.

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Karen Connick

The Cheverus High School Key Club is one of the longest-running high school community service programs in the country. The club is dedicated to providing service to the public community and the Cheverus school community. The Key Club is part of an international organization of service clubs sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. The motto of the Key Club is, “Caring, Our way of life.” This motto fits very well into our school motto of “Becoming men and women for and with others.”

The Key Club is involved in many areas of the community. We do yard work and assist elderly residents with tasks that they may no longer be able to do. Members have developed friendships with mentally-challenged youth by working with the STRIVE program every Friday night, joining these teenagers in activities they are unable to do alone. The Red Cross phone-a-thon is a community project we have been doing for years. We work with the Big Brother/Big Sister program and run a homework helper program at Baxter Elementary School. We team up with the United States Marine Corps Reserve for their annual Toys for Tots program. We look forward to keeping this tradition alive for many years to come.

The members of our club are in the community at soup kitchens, church events, Habitat for Humanity house buildings, fairs, hospitals, and tutoring programs. If it needs to be done, we are out there doing it.

Our biggest event for the past 40-plus years is our annual Thanksgiving Basket Drive. Every year, starting in September, work begins on providing complete Thanksgiving Day baskets to families in need around the Greater Portland Area. Each basket contains everything needed to enjoy a complete holiday meal. This year, thanks to the hard work of all our club members, and the generous donations from the community on a whole, the Cheverus Key Club was able to provide 400 families with baskets this year. This represents the highest number of baskets ever given in the history of Cheverus. It also shows that if there is a need, Cheverus will rise to the challenge and fill the need.

Key Club members are required to complete a minimum of 10 hours of service for each quarter. Students with a minimum of 40 hours in the fourth quarter can be considered for attendance to the National Key Club Convention, held in Springfield, Massachusetts, every spring.

Every year we look for new members that are willing to dedicate some of themselves to the cause of helping others. Cheverus is dedicated to fostering our mission of being people for and with others. The Key Club is one way in which students can become even more involved in their community and discover the gift of service to others. We look forward to your future participation.

Head Coach: Mr. Nick Denari
Freshmen Coach: Ms.Kathy Little

State Champions:
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018

New England Invitational Meet Participants:
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Faculty Advisor: Ms. Brenna Chalifour

Faculty Advisor: Ms. Brenna Chalifour

Moderator: Jen Lafrance

Membership in the National Honor Society is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is by a Faculty Council and is based upon outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The Faculty Council consists of five voting members appointed annually by the principal.

NHS membership is not granted solely on academic performance. Candidates must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.6. Candidates are then evaluated on the basis of leadership, service, and character as reported on the NHS Student Information Form and a teacher recommendation.

All faculty members have the opportunity to comment on NHS candidates. The Faculty Council reviews these forms and faculty comments, then selects members to the NHS by majority vote.

Once inducted into the NHS, a student remains a member unless his/her grades or conduct fall below the established norms. Members who fail to meet the expectations of NHS will be placed on probation. Probation will last for one complete quarter (one semester for a GPA below 3.6). As long as these members comply with all expectations during this time, their membership will return to normal status at the end of the period. Members who fail to meet a second expectation while on probation will be dismissed from NHS.

All students who will be juniors and seniors during the academic year and who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply. Current NHS members previously inducted DO NOT NEED TO REAPPLY.

Download the NHS Application (PDF) here. All applicants must download and submit the student information form and recommendation. Please submit all applications to the Main Office.

  • Scholarship: Students must have both a yearly and cumulative grade point average of 3.60 and above. These grade point averages are calculated at the semester.
  • Service: The applicant must list his or her service activities, including both required Cheverus service hours PLUS 10 ADDITIONAL SERVICE HOURS.
  • Leadership: The applicant must list his leadership and/or extracurricular activities.
  • Character: The applicant must submit evidence of his integrity, positive behavior and responsibility. This requirement must be fulfilled by obtaining a recommendation by a teacher at Cheverus who knows the applicant well. The Cheverus faculty, in accordance with the criteria established by the national office of the National Honor Society, will assist in the selection of the membership through his/her recommendation. Each candidate is willing to accept the decision of the faculty as final. Character references from members of the candidate’s immediate family or friends (parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, neighbors, peers, coaches or friends of one’s family) will not be accepted.

Those students who have been selected will be notified via mail after completion of the selection process. A formal induction ceremony will take place in January.

Students should see Mrs. Lafrance with any questions.

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Kathryn Ray

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Erika Rhile

Any student interested in outdoor activities like hiking, mountain biking, camping, snowboarding, cross country skiing, or kayaking, can go on safe group activities and have a part in planning trips. All trips are the club members’ ideas. This activity begins in September and ends at the end of the school year. This year we have gone mountain biking through the Portland Trail System, have taken rock climbing classes at Maine Rock Gym, where we learned outdoor rock climbing skills, and in the Spring we are going climbing in North Conway, New Hampshire, where we will camp overnight and hike out in the morning.

Other trips the Outdoor Club has planned are snowshoeing and hiking in Acadia National Park and other Maine islands.

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Gary Nielsen

Faculty Advisor: Ms. Kate O’Brion

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Michael Wilcox

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Dan Costigan

Mission Statement: To enhance the strength and health of the Cheverus community, and enable Cheverians to go out in the world and create a greater impact on the world around us.

Faculty Advisor: Ms. Kate O’Brion

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Valerie Murken and Mrs. Erica Rhile

Student Government at Cheverus consists of two elected class officers from each class (President and Vice President). Students must be in “good” academic standing in order to qualify as a candidate for Student Government. The class officers work with the Prom Advisor to build class unity and to raise funds for their Senior Prom. Student Government officers meet weekly to develop and to enhance student life at Cheverus by sponsoring activities such as dances, dress-down days, student activities, social events and Spirit Week. Ultimately, the goal of Student Government is to develop the leadership skills of all students who attend Cheverus High School and to promote Cheverus school spirit.

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Rodger Cilley

Mission Statement: Our goal is to keep the student population informed about the school, community, city, state, country, and world issues and events, as well as providing leadership and writing opportunities for students. All while keeping in the Cheverus Grad at Grad philosophy. This will help the students of Cheverus to make informed decisions in everyday life and grow intellectually throughout their time at Cheverus and after.

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Emily Banks