Cheverus Celebrates the Start of the School Year with Mass of the Holy…

Cheverus Stories

Cheverus Celebrates the Start of the School Year with Mass of the Holy Spirit

Published: 09/13/2024

On Wednesday, Cheverus held the first all-school Mass of the year, the Mass of the Holy Spirit. For nearly 500 years, the Mass of the Holy Spirit has been a tradition at Jesuit schools. It is time to gather as a community and thank God for the gifts of creation and seek the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit at the start of the school year.

At Cheverus, this Mass is rich with school-specific traditions. The class presidents of the senior, junior, and sophomore classes process in before Mass with candles, respesenting the light of their class. The freshman class is officially welcomed by the school and processes into the gym before Mass. Their class candle is placed beside the upperclassmen’s candles, symbolically completing the community at the start of the academic year. In addition, the Eucharistic Ministers were commissioned during Mass.

Fr. Robert J. Pecoraro said in his homily that “Community is formed by the holy spirit, and like Jesuit schools across the globe, we begin our school year with the Mass of the Holy Spirit. We know that the Holy Spirit is God’s love.”