Instructional Support

Instructional Support Faculty

Our Mission

Instructional Support (IS) is designed to assist students in academic coursework during their tenure at Cheverus. It is a goal of IS to help students transition to college. IS helps students evaluate strengths and weaknesses to determine the best methods and strategies for success in a college preparatory curriculum. Eligible students are assigned to IS as any other academic course.

Course Description

Instructional Support is a class designed to help the IS student in regular coursework here at Cheverus. The IS student’s responsibility is to come to class prepared to work, with all the necessary information and supplies to complete assignments and prepare for assessments. Students will learn to identify one’s own needs for progress as well as the resources to meet those needs. Students will work on time management, organization, prioritization, planning, and academic awareness skills with the aim of increasing independence. 

Prerequisite: A student may be enrolled in IS based upon an IS Team recommendation only.

Term: Full Year (1 Credit)

IS eligibility for new students is informed by the following:

Any known prior referral for special education services or school accommodation plan (i.e. IEP or 504).
Documentation of the student’s learning disability including the most recent IEP, other standardized or educational test results.

The student’s cumulative file. Cheverus will evaluate all documentation provided by new families and/or referrals from teachers to make a determination regarding IS enrollment. If the student is eligible for IS, a list of possible accommodations specific to the student will be provided along with an outline of the impact on the student’s courses. The student will sign an IS contract to confirm expectations of the support course.

Cheverus offers resources that may assist students with diagnosed mild to moderate learning disabilities. However, the demands and design of the curriculum, in conjunction with the school’s schedule, do not permit us to implement all recommendations in a student’s Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). Cheverus is committed to providing certain accommodations to students with documented learning disabilities. Please note that these are accommodations and not modifications. Modifications indicate a change in the requirements of the class, such as requiring a student to complete half as many math problems.

Cheverus offers the following student support services if such services are indicated by a student’s need and the student is enrolled in IS:

  • Extended time for tests and projects — up to 50%
  • Separate testing environment
  • Permission to use a laptop or iPad/tablet in the classroom for note taking and in-class assignments
  • Permission to record lectures
  • Priority classroom seating as needed
  • Limited oral testing using speech-to-text software
  • Access to student note-taker
  • Spelling waived on timed or non-word-processed assignments
  • Verbal directions to accompany written directions on tests and assignments
  • Use of a calculator in math class and on quizzes/tests for students diagnosed with dyscalculia
  • Access to academic monitoring and support through the use of the Instructional Support program
  • Fee-based Faber Tutoring service
  • Access to extra help by teachers during the 2:15-3:00 p.m. consultation period, as available to all students